Is It Affordable?
Yes, Price and Compare. We offer an interest-free payment plan. All treatment packages are customized to your individual needs.

How Many Other Treatments Are Needed?
For permanent results, most people require 6-10 treatments. Typical body hair grows in stages. Depending on the area being treated, treatments will vary every 4-6 or 12 weeks. It is important to have enough treatments to achieve optimal results.

Is It Safe?
Yes! With the Gold Standard Cynosure Laser System, protective eyewear, and our skilled and experienced technicians, we take all measures to ensure your safety.

Is Hair Removal Painful?
During a treatment, clients may experience minimal discomfort. It has been described as a rubber band snapping against the skin. The revolutionary cooling system of our Cynosure Elite lasers is designed to maximize your comfort!

Is there any "down-time" following the treatment?
Following a treatment, there is a slight red or pink erythema to the skin. This may last 20 minutes to 1 hour. Make up can be applied if desired and one may return to normal activity.

Can you treat all skin types?
Yes, the Cynosure Elite Aesthetic Laser is a comprehensive system that combines 2 different wavelengths. The 755nm Alexandrite and the 1064 nm ND YAG. Using this technology, we can target hair follicles effectively, quickly, and safely.

Confidence is Key:
Laser Hair Removal can help with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) hair growth side effects. PCOS has a dramatic effect on the body's natural hormone levels which can cause excessive hair growth. Laser cannot affect the internal hormone levels. However, it can help positively increase your self confidence by reducing the excessive hair growth.

  • PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
  • Menopause
  • Hirsutism
    These Medical conditions can be treated. No need for embarrassing stubble or razor burn.
  • Laser Hair Removal = Confidence
  • Your life can be changed.
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